Choose one answer only from each question (your honest assessment will give you a more accurate answer) Please click ONLY ONCE on ONE button per area.
Does the school policy and/or mission statement mention a conflict resolution approach? Yes No Being Considered
The school recognises that there is lots of apparent conflict amongst students The school believes a small amount of conflict exists amongst students Most staff believe there is little or no conflict at the school
Students at this school are encouraged to solve problems and only in difficulties go to a staff member Problems at this school are nearly always dealt with swiftly by teachers (no matter how small) Students at this school are always given encouragement to solve their own problems and it is stated publicly
Students at this school are always encouraged to work both co-operatively and as a team Students at this school are encouraged to be as academic as possible Competition at this school amongst students is high
Teachers at this school work co-operatively, share ideas readily as well as resources and responsibility Teachers at this school are far to busy and implementing new ideas is difficult Teachers at this school are jealous of maintaining their own resources, and are not that co-operative unless directed
Peer mediation is our principal's top priority The principal is OK about peer mediation The principal dislikes the idea of peer mediation
Those in charge of discipline at this school see peer mediation as a real priority Those in charge of discipline are just luke warm about the idea of peer mediation Those in charge of discipline are against peer mediation
Most of the staff think that peer mediation would really benefit the school Very few staff think that peer mediation would benefit the school Most staff wouldn't know anything about peer mediation Most staff would be totally opposed to peer mediation
If implemented, a number of staff would be prepared to help co-ordinate the peer mediation program If implemented the peer mediation program would most likely be left to one person to co-ordinate If implemented finding time to organise the program would be difficult and time-consuming
150+ points (Scaled Mt Everest) You are clearly ready to begin planning a peer mediation program 0-140 points (Just received your L plates) You might need to win a little more support in the school before you start a peer mediation program Less than 0 points (You're on the Titanic) You are not yet ready to look at peer mediation and have a lot of work in front of you. Good luck.